Archbishop Prophesies Pope Francis' Imminent Death. Shocking Words from the Pulpit
"We have to be a little realistic. When anyone develops double pneumonia, we're concerned. When you have double pneumonia in an 88-year-old man who only has 75 percent lung capacity and is struggling with arthritis and a lot of other things, that's not a good look," Archbishop Timothy Dolan told Fox News.
The priest added: I admire his tenacity. I admire his resilience. I pray with him. But I pray for him. But I think we have to be realistic, as he certainly is.
Archbishop Timothy Dolan Strongly on Pope Francis' HealthThe clergyman's earlier statements were even more forceful. Recently in New York, Dolan admitted that the faithful were united "at the bedside of a dying father."
Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, is in very, very poor health and probably close to death.
– Dolan said in a homily from the pulpit of St. Patrick’s Cathedral.
He must have quickly realized how bad his words might have sounded, because a moment later he added that he hoped and prayed for Francis to recover.
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