Jarosław Pytlak: Let's deregulate education, let's eliminate some school certificates
– I don't think there is a sector in this country that wouldn't be worth deregulating – says Jarosław Pytlak, explaining why he decided to apply to the deregulation team led by Rafał Brzoska. – I wrote a cover letter explaining why I would like to work in this team. Because education is one of the areas indicated for deregulation – he adds. He hasn't received a response yet.
Why in Is deregulation necessary in schools?For a long time, experts, teachers and school principals have been pointing out that bureaucracy in schools is becoming more and more complex year by year. "When I started my job as a school principal 35 years ago, I had papers in three or four binders. Now there are several, a dozen times more. Not to mention databases in the cloud or files on the computer. The world has changed and, unfortunately, we have changed with it. What used to be done on the basis of even some unwritten custom, today requires a document," says Pytlak.
The expert reminds us, however, that some time ago, they began to look at the documents in the school and created a list of essential documents that must be in written form. - It turned out that many documents are created in schools, although they do not have to be. Just in case a complaint is filed with the education authority - says Pytlak.
Testimonies and blackout hours to changeWhen asked what changes should be introduced, Director Pytlak pointed to the problem with availability hours, or the so-called black hours. Every full-time teacher must be available for one hour a week for parents and students who would like to talk to him. This time is not included in the teacher's teaching load and is not additionally paid. - Teachers commonly report this as absurd, because they are most often not available during the hours that parents would be interested in. And few people come to such availability hours - explains Pytlak.
School reports are another matter. "Reports other than school leaving reports are, in my opinion, completely pointless," says the school principal. But no one has yet calculated how much this expense is on a national scale.