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Quaest: Lula's disapproval rating soars in PE and BA and exceeds 60% in SP, RJ, MG, PR, GO and RS

Quaest: Lula's disapproval rating soars in PE and BA and exceeds 60% in SP, RJ, MG, PR, GO and RS

Disapproval of the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) has grown above double digits since December in Pernambuco and Bahia, states that have historically been the PT's electoral base. According to a Genial/Quaest survey, released this Wednesday, the 26th, the president's disapproval rate exceeds 60% in the other six states where interviews were conducted: São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and Goiás.

Lula's disapproval rate was 33% among voters in Bahia in December of last year. The rating has risen 18 points since then and reached 51%. Approval fell from 66% to 47% in the same period. Another 2% did not know or did not respond.

A similar movement occurred in Pernambuco. Disapproval of the president rose 17 percentage points, from 33% to 50%, while approval fell from 65% to 49% - 1% did not know or did not respond.

The survey was conducted between February 19 and 23. The eight states where the interviews were conducted represent 62% of the Brazilian electorate. A total of 1,644 people were interviewed in São Paulo, where the margin of error is two percentage points - in the other states, the margin is three points.

Goiás, Paraná and Pernambuco had 1,104 interviewees each, while Bahia had 1,200 interviews, Rio de Janeiro, 1,400, Rio Grande do Sul, 1,404, and Minas Gerais, 1,482. The confidence level is 95%.

Lula is disapproved of by the majority of the population in the Southern, Southeastern and Central-Western states where the survey was conducted. The highest negative rate was recorded in Goiás (70%), followed by São Paulo (69%), Paraná (68%), Rio Grande do Sul (66%), Rio de Janeiro (64%) and Minas Gerais (63%).

In these units, the PT candidate's highest approval rating is in Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, both with 35%. The rate is 33% among the people of Rio Grande do Sul and 30% among the people of Paraná. The approval rating among the people of São Paulo is 29%. Among the people of Goiás, it is 28%.



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