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He finds the police in the house and climbs down from the window, but the police were there for the roommate

He finds the police in the house and climbs down from the window, but the police were there for the roommate

When he found the police in his house he thought of escaping by climbing down a window, but the detectives were there for his roommate (who had already been stopped). A 36-year-old Moroccan was arrested by the police in via dei Tigli in Cesano Bosone on the evening of Monday 24 February on charges of possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing.

It all started around 7pm when a police car spotted the man on Via Lucca in Milan, near the M1 station in Bisceglie. The officers did not intervene immediately, but followed the 36-year-old to his home in Cesano Boscone. The raid was carried out in the hinterland town. They found two socks with a few grams of cocaine and several banknotes for a total of 370 euros on him.

The police subsequently searched his apartment on the first floor of Via dei Tigli. Once inside, however, they noticed that a person had climbed out of the window. Inside the apartment, they found more banknotes worth about a thousand euros, as well as 65 grams of cocaine. All the material was seized.



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